Thursday the 12th marked the first Field Trip for the San Juan Bautista Homeschoolers. Of we went!

Watching the waves.

Aren't they cute!

Tis early in th emorning, there were hardly any poeple at the Aquarium, and the tourist buses had not left the hotels.

You could actually get up close tho the Sea Otters at their exhibit.

Why do some fish just look angry?

One of the students at the tide pool. This one was slippery instead of bumpy.

The fog on the Monterey Bay can get so thick sometimes that even the Sharks need to turn on their Fog Lights.

Tropical Fish.

Penguins at the Aquarium.

There is a Sea Horse exhibit at the Aquarium. Here is a Sea Horse that 'evolved' to look like seaweed. So just how did that happen?

Three happy girls in a clam.

Two happy ladies in a clam.

"Help! It's eating us!"

More of the students at one of the exhibits.

Here, everybody is wondering what happened to the
Cetacean Institute.

Group Photo!
All in all, a nice time was had by all. Pictures by Ramon Mendoza (mostly).
These pics are wonderful, Ramon did a great job! Thanks so much for posting them - I brought our camcorder and filmed some, but then somehow deleted everything when I got home. So thanks to you I actually have some great pics for our yearbook. The Mendozas rock!