Here are some pictures of the Medieval Feast put on by the Santa Cruz homeschoolers a couple of years ago. Just to give those of you interested in putting on one of these at the Mission an idea of what it looked like, and the kinds of things we did. We might not be able to do all of these things, or we may come up with some stuff that we didn't have last time.

The vegetable plates are prepared. Silver paper plates to look kind of like metal ones.

The Programs artfully arranged.

Outside of St. Joseph's Hall, a market was set up where 'merchants' displayed and sold their wares. There was no actual selling going on here, it is just a re-enactment. Much of these items were things people had around the home.

Don't steal my precious cloth! Monica raided my moms's fabric collection to set up a cloth table.

Trebuchets R Us.

Jewelry for sale.

The kids dressed up in Medieval style clothing! Huzzah! If you look carefully at many of the costumes, you will see that they are partly custom made (the tops), and partly modern clothes in disguise (the pants and skirts).

One of our Knights. Sparkly material simulates chain mail.

Fair Damsels.

A Castle.

Flag Bearers. Notice here, that the medieval breeches are actually sweat pants with the elastic band turned under.

Entertainment by a real Bagpiper.

"Hey, are you just gonna talk, or are you gonna buy something?"

More of the Marketplace.

A Falconer brought in a Falcon. Its eyes are covered so that the sudden motions of people would not bother it.

Demonstrations were also put on. Here is someone who is making Chainmail. I've got to find out where Kathy found these people.

Some of the children posing in their period clothes.

Huzzah! A group picture!

Tickets being collected for a Raffle.

Jousting is thirsty work, and our knights here enjoy a Beer. A Beer of Root.

Of course our Castle had a King and Queen.

Brother Andrew awaits to give his Blessing to the meal.

One of the skits put on by the children. This is a Choir of Angels.

Another Skit, Mary visiting Elizabeth.

Jousting! I can't remember what the lances are made of. Something that involved cardboard, duct tape and spray paint, I think. If we are going to do this at the mission, perhaps we could cone off a section of parking lot, rather than trying to do it in the classrooms.

Minstrels entertain the Royal Couple.

A Spice Cake shaped like a Castle.

Respected Philospher and Theologian,
Thaddeus Kozinski and Family enjoy the proceedings. In case anybody is wondering, he is in a Rainbow Poncho because in one of the skits, he played God, and he was the Rainbow that appeared to Noah, signifying his Covenant with him.

More entertainment.


Brother Andrew gives the Final Blessing. In Latinae.

One of our lucky winners of the Raffle at the end.

A final salute to the King and Queen. A great time had by one and all! I hope this is inspiring. The kids could have a lot of fun with this. And the grown-ups too.
So who will be our King and Queen?