Really? And it is not even the most expensive one!
Man, I'll take my own.
For whatever reason this past Christmas, the two smaller kids wanted to mail off letters to Santa.
They never asked to do this before!

The letter is off to the North Pole.
Christmas Eve dinner. We lit up the advent wreath for the last time.

After dinner it was off to Byzantine Divine Liturgy. It was one of their shorter liturgies. Only three hours.

Lizzie has been wanting to wear Monica's old First Communion dress somewhere. We decided Christmas Eve was special enough for a dress that fancy.

In spite of our late night, we all woke up early Christmas morning to open presents.

Christmas Win!

Twelve days later, it was time to break out the Official Mendoza Family Epiphany Wrapping Paper.

After Mass, we had a Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings Bread). The lucky person to find the hidden baby Jesus figure in the bread won a glamorous aluminum foil crown and a collectible photo of the Mission. Taken by your humble blogger.

After dinner it was off to Byzantine Divine Liturgy. It was one of their shorter liturgies. Only three hours.

Lizzie has been wanting to wear Monica's old First Communion dress somewhere. We decided Christmas Eve was special enough for a dress that fancy.

In spite of our late night, we all woke up early Christmas morning to open presents.
It's not rattling...

Christmas Win!

Twelve days later, it was time to break out the Official Mendoza Family Epiphany Wrapping Paper.

After Mass, we had a Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings Bread). The lucky person to find the hidden baby Jesus figure in the bread won a glamorous aluminum foil crown and a collectible photo of the Mission. Taken by your humble blogger.
Funny, a lot more people showed up to share the Rosca than we thought.
All in all, it was a beautiful Christmas Season, which is still going on until Christmas ends on the 2nd of February, the Purification of Mary.
Thank you all for the prayers and the presents, both known and anonymous, and God bless you!
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