Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kramer Sighting: Inception Edition!

By now, even the Mendoza Family has seen the movie, "Inception," the movie just about everyone told us that we absolutely had to see!!!

Well, we would have seen in it in the theatre if people had just told us that the Kramers WERE IN IT!

Let's look at the evidence!

As you can see here in exhibit A, as Jack from that other movie, "Titanic" is whining on about Rose and the heart of the Ocean, the Kramer van, otherwise known as the Beast, is clearly visible in the background.

Exhibit B... Here they are again , coming out of an abandoned warehouse. Warehouses seem to be in every movie we watch. There is probably a music video being filmed on the other side of the warehouse.

Here they go in Exhibit C. They've got everyone packed up, shoes or no shoes, and are off to church.

Exhibit D...
It seems they're being pursued by some bad guys. Possibly handing out Jack Chick pamphlets. Nothing can outmanuver villains on motorcycles like the Ford Econline Van! Everybody lean to the left!

Believability Rating: 0%. There is no believability in this, as we saw "Inception" in a dream, so none of this actually happened. "But wait!" you say, "how could it be a dream if you've got pictures?" It means that you are also dreaming right now! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!
WAKE UP!!!!!
Why is the top still spinning???


  1. thanks now i cant sleep......................................................................................

  2. I think this Movie was kinda like up, seeing as he tried to keep Mal(Ellie) alive in his dreams(The House).
    But dream Mal almost killed them all(The House almost floated away with Russel, Dug, and Kevin)
