In the tradition of the Eastern Catholic Church, Easter is called the Pasch. here are some images of the Vigil of the Pasch that took place at St. Basil's Eastern Catholic Church in Los Gatos. It is part of the Ruthenian Eparchy of Van Nuys, and Fr. Anthony Hernandez is the Pastor.

The service started at 730 PM with the Office of Nahdrobroje, and then went into the Resurrection Matins. The Church is mostly dark. It appears like there is much more light as the exposure was nearly 1 second. The Tomb of Jesus Christ is symbolized by a Shroud.

Everybody in the Church, starting with the Priests (there were two) and the Servers, makes two prostrations before the Tomb / Shroud of Jesus.

The Paschal Candle is lit, and the Faithful light their candles.

The Church starts to become brighter.

A Procession begins to form. We will all Process around the Church while singing and chanting "Christos voskrese iz mertvych! (Christ is risen from the dead!).

An Acolyte with a Triple Candlestick stands behind the Lector of the Epistle.

The Gospel is Chanted by Father Anthony.

The two Priests begin the Anaphora, or Canon of the Divine Liturgy.

After the Divine Liturgy, Easter Baskets are blessed in the Parish Hall. These Baskets will have foods that Eastern Catholics have given up for the the Great Lent, such as Milk, Cheese, Meats, and other delicacies.

Father Anthony (third from the right), Father Michael (second from the left), and most of the servers. Forgot to get one of the Servers in the Picture!
If you have never been to an Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgy, is is well worth going to see what it is like, to paraphrase Pope John Paul II, to breathe with the other lung. It is beautiful, to put it simply. One prays along with the same Liturgy as St. John Chysostom, whose is the author of this particular Liturgy.
To hear the chants at this Church is again, beautiful, as everybody chants.
Father Anthony comes to Salinas twice a month for the Divine Liturgy. You can find out more information at their website, .
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